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    정부 입찰 모잠비크, 모잠비크 사역 입찰, 모잠비크 중앙 정부 입찰, 모잠비크 정부 조달, 모잠비크 연방 입찰

    297 Live Notices for 모잠비크 입찰

    Showing 1 to 20

    Hiring a company to provide maintenance and supply services for ANAC, IP Air Conditioning Equipment Hiring a company to supply three vehicles for ANAC IP
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Hiring a company to supply food and hygiene and cleaning materials to ANAC, IP Hiring a company to provide maintenance services for the ANAC, IP building
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Supply of Pipes for Irrigation of Agricultural Fields
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Construction Works of a Bridge at km 15. on the Raima - Qixcnga road
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline27 Sep 2024
    Provision of Customs Clearance Service for Free Distribution Books for the Years 2025, 2026 and 2027 in the Ports of Maputo, Beira and Xacala
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline03 Oct 2024
    hiring for the position of TRUCK MECHANIC for Maputo.
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Construction of a Force in FCN-15, on the Falma - Qxcnga road
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline27 Sep 2024
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    hire the services of two individual consultants to: 1. Carry out the Mapping and Assessment of the Capacity Level of Community-Based Organizations that work for the Health of Sex Workers; and 2. Carry out the Mapping and Assessment of the Capacity Level of Community-Based Organizations that work for the Health, Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration of People who Use Drugs.
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline23 Sep 2024
    Supply of tools
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline27 Sep 2024
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Provision for Recruitment of a Biodiversity Conservation Specialist
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline18 Sep 2024
    Provision for Recruitment of an Environmental and Social Safeguard Assistant
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline18 Sep 2024
    Weighbridge For Weighing Trucks
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    Consultant Services For Preparation And Supervision Of Implementation Of The Resettlement Action Plan (Rap) For Bus Rapid Transit Route (Brt)
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    168/G/Mozbio2/Rfq/24- Supply Of Diesel Tanks For Pnam (2.3.1.B.7)
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    Implementation Of Digital Capacity Development Program
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline02 Oct 2024
    Development Of Service Catalogue, Procedures And Online Forms
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline02 Oct 2024
    Senior Delivery Manager For Inage
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024
    Assessment Of New Inage Building For Rehabilitation
    country Mozambique
    posting date16 Sep 2024
    deadline30 Sep 2024

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