11 Live Notices for 상투메 프린시페 입찰
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Hiring A Road Engineer
Contratação De Um (A) Engenheiro (A) Rodoviário
Technical Assistance For Planning Management And Maintenance Of Wash Infrastructures In The Schools Of São Tomé And Principe
Assistência Técnica Para Planeamento De Gestão E Manutenção De Infra-Estruturas Wash Nas Escolas De São Tomé E Príncipe
Supply of IT Equipment
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P180982- Coastal Resilience And Sustainable Tourism Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P178018- Social Protection Covid-19 Response And Recovery - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P178018- Social Protection Covid-19 Response And Recovery - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P180982- Coastal Resilience And Sustainable Tourism Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P180982- Coastal Resilience And Sustainable Tourism Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P178018- Social Protection Covid-19 Response And Recovery - Procurement Plan (English)