24 Live Notices for Concursos de São Tomé e Príncipe
Showing 1 to 20
To recruit a team of consultants to prepare the management and action plan for pilot Special Reserves – Jalé, Praias do Sul and Ilhéu das Rolas Reserves.
Provision for collection, storage, transportation, export and incineration of health waste
Consultor Nacional- Coordenação E Apoio Ao Processo De Formulação De Um Projeto
Contratação De Um Engenheiro Rodoviario Para O Projecto
Estudos Para A Reparação Do Marco Do Equador No Ilhéu Das Rolas
Contratação De Um Gabinete Jurídico Para Criação De Fundo Climático
Estudo Piloto De Viabilidade Para Recolha, Separação E Reciclagem Por Pirólise De Resíduos Sólidos Plásticos.
Hiring a company to study and restore the Ecuador landmark
Pilot feasibility study for the collection, separation and recycling by pyrolysis of solid plastic waste
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P180982- Coastal Resilience And Sustainable Tourism Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P178018- Social Protection Covid-19 Response And Recovery - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P161842- Sao Tome And Principe Transport Sector Development And Coastal Protection Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P161842- Sao Tome And Principe Transport Sector Development And Coastal Protection Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P178018- Social Protection Covid-19 Response And Recovery - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P180982- Coastal Resilience And Sustainable Tourism Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P177099- Access To Clean Resilient Electricity Under The Ascent Regional Program - Multi Programmatic Approach (Mpa) - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P180982- Coastal Resilience And Sustainable Tourism Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P173783- Stp Covid-19 Emergency Response Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P178353- Second Sao Tome E Principe Transport Sector Development Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Sao Tome And Principe - Eastern And Southern Africa- P177158- Digital Sao Tome And Principe - Procurement Plan (English)