Latest Hungary Industry tenders. Discover new opportunities for Industry tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Hungary.
Hungary possesses a robust and diversified industrial sector, contributing substantially to its national economy. Key industries propelling Hungary's economic growth include automotive, machinery, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food processing. These industries are renowned for their innovation, quality, and global competitiveness.
Hungary Industry Government Procurement
The Hungarian government actively stimulates economic activity through public procurement, spending approximately €14.3 billion in 2021. This substantial investment plays a pivotal role in supporting Hungarian businesses and fostering economic growth.
The Hungarian government procures a diverse range of products and services from various industries to meet its multifaceted needs and priorities. These procurements encompass a wide spectrum, including:
Several government agencies oversee and manage procurement activities in Hungary. The Central Public Procurement Authority (Közbeszerzési Hatóság, KH) holds overall responsibility for public procurement policy and guidelines. Other key authorities involved in procurement include:
Ministry of Innovation and Technology (Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, ITM): Oversees procurement for research and development projects
Ministry of Finance (Pénzügyminisztérium, PM): Responsible for financial management of public procurement
Ministry of Interior (Belügyminisztérium, BM): Manages procurement for law enforcement and public safety agencies
Ministry of National Defence (Honvédelmi Minisztérium, HM): Coordinates procurement for the Hungarian Armed Forces
Numerous companies across various industries secure significant contracts through Hungary's government procurement process. Some of the top winners in recent years include:
Richter Gedeon Nyrt.: Leading Hungarian pharmaceutical company
MOL Group: Major integrated oil and gas company
Magyar Telekom Nyrt.: Largest telecommunications provider in Hungary
KÉSZ Group: Diversified construction and engineering group
4iG Nyrt.: IT and telecommunications solutions provider.
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