66 Live Notices for India Petroleum Tenders
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Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent
Supply Of Various Safety Protective Equipment & Consumables (Safety Shoes, Rain Coats, Torch Lights, Hand Gloves, Helmets, Blowers, Gum Boots, Petroleum Jelly, Acc-50 Compound) For O&M Division, Srikakulam
Telecommunication Cable - Fully Filled Petroleum Jelly Orabsorbent Thixotropic Gel (V2) (Q2) Quantity: 1000
Dextrose , Glycerol Mol Bio , Nutrient Broth , Lcysteine , Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate , Ferricnitrate A.R Grade , Peptone , N-Pentane Ar Cas No. 10966 0 , Tetra Hydro Furan 99.9 Percent Hplc , Acetonitrilehplc , Sodium Hydroxide Pellet Ar , Sodiummolybdate Ar , N Hexane Lr , Dipotassium Hydrogenphosphate , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous , N Hexane Ar, Ethanol Ar , Tetra Propyl Ammonium Bromide Lrgrade , Acetone Lr , Nitric Acid Lr , N Heptane ,Hexane Commercial , Hexane Lr , N Heptane Ar Gr , Nheptane Lr , 2 Ethyl Hexanol , Ethyl Acetate Lr ,Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Lr Ar , Sodiumcarbonate Ar , Cyclo Hexane Ar , Potassiumdihydrogen Phosphate Lr , Potassium Dichromate Lr ,Acetone Ar , Petroleum Spirit 60 80 Lr , Magnesiumsulphate Heptahydrate , Carbon Di Sulphide Ar Gr ,Methanol Lr , Methanol Ar , Chloroform Lr , Isopropyl Alcohol Ar , Ammonium Sulphate Ar Grade ,Dichloromethane Hplc , Dimethylformamide 99 Pluspercent , Ethyl Acetate Min 99 Percent Purity Quantity: 621509
Telecommunication Cable - Fully Filled Petroleum Jelly Orabsorbent Thixotropic Gel (V2) (Q2) Quantity: 3000
supply of Diesel Fuel on "as and when required
Transportation Of Bulk Petroleum Product Ms/Hsd/Branded Fuels In Top Loading Tank Trucks Ex Ahmedabad Terminal
Multimodal Transportation Of Bulk Petrochemicals (Petchem) And Petroleum Products In Iso Tank Container Ex-Kochi To Gujarat Coast Ports/East Coast Port And Onward Movement To Bpcl Locations/Customers
Wet Lease Of One Double Or Twin Engine Helicopter Six 06 Seaters
Multimodal Transportation Of Bulk Petrochemicals (Petchem) And Petroleum Products In Iso Tank Container Ex-Kochi To Gujarat Coast Ports/East Coast Port And Onward Movement To Bpcl Locations/Customers
Development Of Aar Hose
Telecommunication Cable - Fully Filled Petroleum Jelly Orabsorbent Thixotropic Gel (V2) (Q2) Quantity: 6000
Supply of Diesel for Rolling Stock Depot Machine for 2 years - reg.
Items: Barium Petroleum Sulphonate Quantity: 1200
Ethanol Tank Truck Unloading Nitrile Petroleum Hose As Peroisd-Std-135 , Wagon Unloading Petroleum Hose As Peroisd-Std-135 Blue Colour , Wagon Unloading Petroleumhose As Per Oisd-Std-135 Red Colour Quantity: 42
Epcc Package Of Polypropylene And Butene-1 Unit Of Bina Petchem And Refinery Expansion Project(Bprep) Of M/S Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (Bpcl)
Eoi For Dealers/Consumers For Pol Trasnportation Tender Ex Cochin Terminal
Eoi For Dealers/Consumers For Pol Transportation Ex Kozhikode Depot
Tender For Road Transportation Of Bulk Petroleum Products By Bottom Loading Tank Trucks Ex. Una Terminal
Procurement Of 2X1X8 Flares With Squib