486 Live Notices for Paper and Packaging bids and RFP from India
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Stationary Printing Items
Gem Bid Intimation Notice For Supply Of Paper Products
Fibre Dust Brush,Feather Broom Phool Jhadu,Envelope Size 6 X 12 Inch,Envelope Size 4 X 10 Inch,Enve Quantity: 3745
Quick Dry Steel Putty,Pvc Flexible Water Hose 1 Inch,Polish Metal Brass,Photocopier Paper A3,Photoc Quantity: 639
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Regis Quantity: 750
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 400
Eraser,Black Lead Pencils (V2) As Per Is 1375,Manual Pencil Sharpener (V2),Carbon Papers As Per Is Quantity: 2020
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Deskt Quantity: 1510
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 500
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 1000
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 50
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Register (V2),Register (V2),Register (V2) Quantity: 2350
Packing Box For Mine A. P. 1B Directional To Drg. No. : P-230(A) In Finished Condition,Carton Box F Quantity: 3510
A4 Paper,Register 250 Pages,Cartridge 12A,Register 100 Pages,Binder Clip Quantity: 25
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490,Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 807
Bond Paper (V2) As Per Is 1848 (Part 1),Photography Paper (V2),Photography Paper (V2),Cleaning Dust Quantity: 2020
Desktop Calculator - Electronics,Gel Pen (V3),Gel Pen (V3),Gel Pen (V3),Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Quantity: 445
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 90
Plain Copier Paper (V3) Isi Marked To Is 14490 Quantity: 600
7407500007-Thermocol Packing Box To Drawing No. Mct-2158 For Tnpa-65A Quantity: 770