10 Live Notices for Iraq General Purpose Machinery Tenders
Showing 1 to 10
repair of the programmed flame and plasma cutting machine
Currency Counting And Sorting Machines
Supply Equipping machines and devices in the Workshops Division
Repair of programmed torch and plasma cutting machine
Tender To Repair The Cutting Machine With Flames And Plasma Programmed Under The Private Standard Documents
supply, installation and operation of machines for counting and sorting Iraqi and foreign currency (dollars and euros) for the branches of the Central Bank of Iraq in (Basra and Mosul)
supply " workshop machines
Supply Equipping two (2) modern and advanced high-voltage winding machines for the power transformer plant, which have the ability to wind high-voltage coils of different sizes and dimensions from the wire tensioning system
repair of the programmed flame and plasma cutting machine
Long Term Supply Spare Parts of General Instrument and Control System for DGS and BUT