Latest Iran Metals tenders. Discover new opportunities for Metals tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Iran.
Boasting vast mineral reserves like copper, zinc, iron ore, and gypsum, Iran's metals and non-metals market presents lucrative opportunities for investors and businesses. With a market size exceeding USD 27 billion, it's a key player in the global metals industry.
High demand for metals and non-metals fuels the market growth, driven by various sectors like construction, infrastructure, and manufacturing. This demand is projected to increase steadily, further propelling the market's potential.
Government Procurement in the Iran Metals and Non-Metals Market
Government procurement plays a significant role in the Iran metals and non-metals market, accounting for a substantial portion of the overall demand.
The Iran government primarily procures various metals and non-metals products and services, including:
Metals: Steel, iron, copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, etc.
Non-metals: Cement, gypsum, sand, gravel, limestone, etc.
Services: Mining, exploration, processing, manufacturing, transportation, etc.
High-demand products include steel, rebar, and copper, used extensively in infrastructure and construction projects. The government also procures specialized services like exploration, mining, and processing to develop the domestic metals and non-metals industry.
Several government entities are responsible for metals and non-metals procurement in Iran, including:
Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade (MIMT): Oversees the mining and metals industry, including procurement for various projects.
National Iranian Steel Company (NISCO): Largest steel producer in Iran, responsible for procuring raw materials and equipment.
Iran Minerals and Mining Organization (IMMO): Manages mining operations and oversees the exploration of new mineral deposits.
Iran Cement Company (ICC): Largest cement producer in Iran, responsible for procuring limestone and other raw materials.
Understanding these key authorities is crucial for businesses interested in participating in government procurement projects.
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