16 Live Notices for Roadways bids and RFP from Israel
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provide comprehensive collection services
A Permission To Provide Pay Passenger Transport Services, On A Tiny Bus, A Special Trip, Predetermined, In Terminal 3 At Ben Gurion Airport
provision of transportation services for senior citizens
Provision of Cargo and container transportation services in tow-type vehicles supporting daily work throughout the country
provide shuttle services for the Geha Mental Health Center of Clalit Health Services
Close A Driver'S Shelf
An Authorization Contract For Management, Operating, Maintenance And Refueling Services For Car Rental Companies At Ben Gurion Airport
provision of stone production, transportation, supply and storage services
Provide Transportation of employees to Hefzibah and other training sites throughout the country and/or back
Supply, transportation and installation of equipment and computer systems for council institutions
Provision of Laboratory Sample Transport Services, Packages and Mail
provision of specialized transportation services of the Schneider Children's Medical Center of Clalit Health Services
provision of transportation and transportation services
Equipment transportation services in a supporting tractor + trailer type vehicle that includes a crane for self-loading/unloading in a supporting tractor + supported vehicle type
design, construction, implementation, operation and service of a traffic control system for traffic lights and for the performance of work and the provision of services regarding traffic light systems, illuminated traffic signs, detectors, green waves, audio devices and uninterruptible power systems
Supply of Electric Fork Lift Truck 2.5 ton (ELE-FLT) and Additional Services