Latest Italy Banking and Finance tenders. Discover new opportunities for Banking and Finance tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Italy.
The Italian banking and finance market is the third-largest in the eurozone, with total assets of over €3.5 trillion. The market is dominated by a few large banks, including Intesa Sanpaolo, UniCredit, and UBI Banca. The Italian government has taken steps to reform the banking sector in recent years, including reducing the number of banks and strengthening capital requirements.
The Italian government spends over €20 billion on banking and finance products and services each year. The government procures a wide range of products and services, including financial services, payments processing, and IT services. The government is increasingly using digital procurement channels to streamline the procurement process and reduce costs.
The main banking and finance products and services procured by the Italian government are:
Financial services: This includes loans, investments, and financial advisory services.
Payments processing: This includes processing payments for goods and services, as well as social security benefits.
IT services: This includes providing IT infrastructure and support for the government's banking and finance systems.
The top authorities for Italy banking and finance procurement are:
Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (MEF): The Ministry of Economy and Finance is responsible for overseeing the government's procurement activities.
Agenzia delle Entrate: The Revenue Agency is responsible for collecting taxes and ensuring that the government procures goods and services in compliance with the law.
Consip: Consip is a central purchasing body that provides the government with access to a wide range of goods and services.
The top winners of Italy banking and finance procurement contracts are:
Intesa Sanpaolo: Intesa Sanpaolo is the largest bank in Italy and one of the largest providers of banking and finance products and services to the government.
UniCredit: UniCredit is the second-largest bank in Italy and a major provider of banking and finance products and services to the government.
UBI Banca: UBI Banca is a leading provider of banking and finance products and services to the government.
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