Latest Japan Minerals and Mining tenders. Discover new opportunities for Minerals and Mining tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Japan.
Few resources, big demand. Japan has limited natural resources, but its manufacturing sector relies heavily on imported minerals and metals. The industry generates around $89 billion annually, with a projected growth of 1.12% in the next five years.
Fueling the nation. The government plays a crucial role in the minerals and mining sector, procuring essential resources like iron ore (104.23 million tons), coal (180.34 million tons), and crude oil (158.64 million kiloliters) annually.
Diverse needs. The government procures a wide range of minerals and related services, including exploration, mining, processing, and transportation. Key minerals include gold, silver, copper, zinc, and limestone.
Guiding the industry. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) are responsible for overseeing mineral and mining procurement. They implement policies and regulations to ensure a stable supply of resources.
Leaders in the field. Major companies like BHP, Rio Tinto, Vale, and Glencore are prominent suppliers of minerals to the Japanese government. They leverage their global presence and expertise to meet the nation's resource needs.
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