37 Live Notices for Jordan Consultancy Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Preparation Of Cultural Site Management Plans For The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Provision for Cleaning the buildings of the Faculty of Engineering Technology.
Environmental Impact Assessment For The Construction And Operation Of Creative
Business And Operational Planning Specialist
Environmental Impact Assessment For The Construction And Operation Of Creative
Jordan Textile - Investment Promotion
Jordan Textile - Pr And Internal Promotion
Jordan Textile - Developing Curricula For Six Professions
Design/Build and Operate of a Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant
National Consultant To Develop Human Security Roadmap
Design/Build And Operate Of A Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant
National Consultant To Develop Human Security Roadmap
Providing labor services for production lines in the Electricity Distribution Company factory
Construction of a playground for the new secondary school for the two districts of Dhiban. Rehabilitation of the alternative path in Mahra Secondary School for the two districts of Taybeh and Al-Wusta. Cladding of Al-Haldiyya Al-Lawiya School for the two districts of Al-Immar Al-Jaluli. Installation of air conditioners for several schools in the Qasaba Irld district. Installation of air conditioners in Qemim Secondary School for the two districts of Kafr Asad Secondary School for the two districts of Taybeh and Al-Wusta. Cladding of several schools in the Russeifa district (first + second maintenance! Fourth or fifth construction).
providing engineering services for preparing a for the construction and landscaping of a public park within the Ninth Residential District and implementing the roads and parking lots adjacent to it
purchase of advisory services to study the activity of establishing stations to supply vehicles with compressed and/or liquefied natural gas and the high commission for companies
Local Consultant To Develop Of A Marine Project Proposal
Preparing Studies, Designs And Implementation Tender Documents For The Project To Establish The Permanent Building For The National Center For Epidemic And Communicable Disease Control
Local Consultant To Develop Of A Marine Project Proposal
Buy a device for the Faculty of Agriculture (Body Composition Measuring Device