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Department Of Higher Education Tenders from India

Latest Department Of Higher Education India tenders. View tender details of more than 8563 Department Of Higher Education etenders and eProcurement notices 2024. Department Of Higher Education is a central department under the Government of India.

DHE is responsible for formulating and implementing policies and programs related to higher education in India. It oversees universities, colleges, and other institutions of higher learning, ensuring quality education and research across diverse disciplines. DHE also plays a crucial role in promoting international collaboration in education and research. Its initiatives contribute to nurturing skilled professionals and fostering a knowledge-based economy in India.

GlobalTenders is the biggest and best website for Department Of Higher Education tenders. The contracts are uploaded from all sources including Department Of Higher Education website, CPPP and GEM. Sign up to get instant access and start bidding for tenders by Department Of Higher Education for free. Download documents and get bid assistance for tenders released by Department Of Higher Education, more than 20000 buyers from India and 500000 globally.

17801 Results.

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country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline27 Sep 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline03 Oct 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline04 Oct 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline03 Oct 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline23 Sep 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline03 Oct 2024
country India
posting date13 Sep 2024
deadline03 Oct 2024