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Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd Tenders from India

Latest Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd India tenders. View tender details of more than 117 Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd etenders and eProcurement notices 2024. Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd is a central agency under the Government of India.

The Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd (HUDCO) is a premier financial institution dedicated to supporting housing and urban infrastructure development in India. Established in 1970, HUDCO provides loans and grants to state governments, local bodies, and public sector undertakings for projects like slum redevelopment, affordable housing schemes, water supply and sanitation systems, and urban transport infrastructure. HUDCO's interventions play a crucial role in addressing the challenges of rapid urbanization and improving the living conditions of millions of urban residents. By prioritizing sustainable development and social inclusion, HUDCO contributes to building more livable and equitable cities in India.

GlobalTenders is the biggest and best website for Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd tenders. The contracts are uploaded from all sources including Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd website, CPPP and GEM. Sign up to get instant access and start bidding for tenders by Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd for free. Download documents and get bid assistance for tenders released by Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd, more than 20000 buyers from India and 500000 globally.

207 Results.

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country India
posting date16 Aug 2024
deadline24 Aug 2024