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Gyeongsangbuk-Do Pohang Medical Center South Korea Tenders

Gyeongsangbuk-Do Pohang Medical Center South Korea tenders and business opportunities. Access latest Gyeongsangbuk-Do Pohang Medical Center bids, market research and procurement analysis. Global tenders publishes domestic and international tenders, projects and contract awards for Gyeongsangbuk-Do Pohang Medical Center and more than 700 tendering authorities from South Korea.

The economy of South Korea is a highly developed mixed economy mostly owned by family-owned conglomerates called chaebols. By nominal GDP, it has the 4th largest economy in Asia and the 10th largest in the world. South Korea is notable for its emergence of economic development from an underdeveloped nation to a developed, high-income country in a few generations. Notable Korean shipbuilders are Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, and the now bankrupt STX Offshore & Shipbuilding. In 2017, 17.1% of South Korea's exports were semiconductors produced by Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix. Samsung and LG are also major producers in electronic devices such as televisions, smartphones, display, and computers. South Korea today has developed into one of the world's largest automobile producers. The Hyundai Kia Automotive Group is South Korea's largest automaker in terms of revenue, production units and worldwide presence. Most of the mineral deposits in the Korean Peninsula are located in North Korea, with the South only possessing an abundance of tungsten and graphite. Coal, iron ore, and molybdenum are found in South Korea, but not in large quantities and mining operations are on a small scale. Much of South Korea's minerals and ore are imported from other countries. Most South Korean coal is anthracite that is only used for heating homes and boilers. In 2019, South Korea was the 3rd largest world producer of bismuth, the 4th largest world producer of rhenium, and the 10th largest world producer of sulfur. Korea's largest construction companies include Samsung C&T Corporation, which built some of the highest building's and most noteworthy skyscrapers such as three consecutively world's tallest buildings: Petronas Towers, Taipei 101, and Burj Khalifa.

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