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Ministry For European Affairs And Equality Malta Tenders

Ministry For European Affairs And Equality Malta tenders and business opportunities. Access latest Ministry For European Affairs And Equality bids, market research and procurement analysis. Global tenders publishes domestic and international tenders, projects and contract awards for Ministry For European Affairs And Equality and more than 250 tendering authorities from Malta.

The Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade is responsible for maintaining Malta's external relations and the management of its international diplomatic missions.The ministry oversees Malta's affairs with foreign entities, including bilateral relations with individual nations and its representation in international organizations, including the European Union, the United Nations and the Council of Europe. The ministry also holds responsibility for matters related to foreign trade, expatriates, citizenship and travel visas.

Global Tenders tracks thousands of websites, newspapers and journals from more than 200 countries and updates you with the latest information. More than 25000 notices are uploaded daily by researching through thousands of websites, newspapers and journals. The information gathered is cataloged by a team of researchers who classify it by date, country, CPV, sectors and keywords, presenting businesses with refined actionable data. Features like advanced filters, tailored alerts and market reports help save hundreds of hours making Global Tenders an indispensable source. Gain a competitive advantage with access to more opportunities.

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Sectoral Procurement Directorate
Wasteserv Malta Ltd
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Gozo Regional Committee
Infrastructure Malta
Arts Council Malta
Government Printing Press
University Of Malta
Malta Financial Services Authority

34 Results.

Showing 1 to 20

country Malta
posting date31 Aug 2020
deadline21 Sep 2020
country Malta
posting date01 Apr 2020
deadline02 Apr 2020