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Hospital De Santa Maria Maior Portugal Tenders

Hospital De Santa Maria Maior Portugal tenders and business opportunities. Access latest Hospital De Santa Maria Maior bids, market research and procurement analysis. Global tenders publishes domestic and international tenders, projects and contract awards for Hospital De Santa Maria Maior and more than 1700 tendering authorities from Portugal.

The economy of Portugal is ranked 34th in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report for 2019. The great majority of the international trade is done within the European Union, whose countries received 72.8% of the Portuguese exports and were the origin of 76.5% of the Portuguese imports in 2015. The Portuguese economy has been steady, expanding continuously since the third quarter of 2014, with a yearly GDP growth of 1.5% registered in the second quarter of 2015. The year of 2014 marked the start of the recovery of the Portuguese economy. Since the third quarter of 2014, the Portuguese economy has been steadily expanding, with a GDP growth of 0.4% quarterly and 1.5% yearly registered in the second quarter of 2015. The economic recovery has been accompanied by a continuous fall in the unemployment rate. The Government budget deficit has also been reduced from the 11.2% of GDP in 2010 to 4.8% in 2014. The International Monetary Fund issued an update report in late June 2017 with some positive news including a stronger near-term outlook and an increase in investments and exports. Because of a surplus in 2016, the country was no longer bound by the Excessive Deficit Procedure. The banking system was more stable, although there were still non-performing loans and corporate debt. The IMF recommended working on solving these problems for Portugal to be able to attract more private investment. Sustained strong growth, together with continued public debt reduction, would reduce vulnerabilities arising from high indebtedness, particularly when monetary accommodation is reduced.

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Related links - Infraestruturas De Portugal
Estado-Maior Do Exercito
Aguas Do Norte
Instituto Portugues De Oncologia De Lisboa Francisco Gentil
Hospital Distrital De Santarem
Municipio De Leiria
Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo
Municipio Da Marinha Grande
Aguas Do Tejo Atlantico
Centro Hospitalar De Tras-Os-Montes E Alto Douro

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