Top products and services procured by the Liechtenstein government through tenders:
Construction and infrastructure projects: The Liechtenstein government invests significantly in maintaining and upgrading its infrastructure, including roads, bridges, buildings, and public utilities. Tenders for construction projects are frequently published, covering a wide range of scales, from minor repairs to major infrastructure developments.
Professional services: The government relies on the expertise of external consultants, contractors, and service providers for a variety of tasks, including legal services, IT consulting, engineering services, and project management. Tenders for professional services are regularly issued to procure the necessary expertise.
Educational materials and equipment: The government prioritizes education and invests in providing quality learning environments for students. Tenders are regularly issued for the procurement of educational materials, such as textbooks, software, and teaching aids, as well as equipment for schools and universities.
Medical equipment and supplies: The government ensures access to quality healthcare by procuring medical equipment and supplies for hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. Tenders for medical equipment and supplies cover a wide range of products, from diagnostic tools and surgical instruments to pharmaceuticals and medical расходные материалы.
Information technology (IT) products and services: The Liechtenstein government relies heavily on IT infrastructure and services to support its operations and deliver services to citizens. Tenders for IT products and services are frequently issued to procure hardware, software, network solutions, and IT support services.
Goods and supplies: The government procures a wide range of goods and supplies to support its operations and deliver services to citizens. This includes office supplies, furniture, vehicles, maintenance supplies, and various other items.
Services: The government procures a variety of services, such as cleaning, security, catering, and transportation services, to support its operations and deliver services to citizens. Tenders for these services are regularly issued to ensure the efficient and cost-effective provision of essential services.