Latest Lithuania Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Lithuania.
The Lithuanian education and training market is valued at approximately €1.2 billion, accounting for 1.9% of the country's GDP. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2022 to 2027, driven by factors such as increasing demand for higher education, rising corporate training needs, and government initiatives to promote lifelong learning.
The Lithuanian government plays a significant role in the education and training market, with total procurement spending reaching €200 million in 2021. The government procures a wide range of education and training products and services across various levels, including:
Early childhood education and care: The government procures services for early childhood education and care, including teacher training, curriculum development, and equipment.
Primary and secondary education: The government procures textbooks, teaching materials, and ICT solutions for primary and secondary schools.
Higher education: The government funds higher education institutions and procures research equipment and infrastructure.
Vocational training and adult education: The government procures training programs, equipment, and materials for vocational education and adult education centers.
Lithuania's education procurement leans towards digitalization and specialized training. They prioritize a wide range of textbooks and learning resources, alongside ICT infrastructure and software to modernize teaching methods. Furthermore, they procure specialized equipment for vocational training programs, ensuring practical learning experiences. Teacher training and professional development are also emphasized to equip educators with the latest skills and knowledge.
The key authorities responsible for education and training procurement in Lithuania include:
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MES): MES is responsible for developing and implementing education policies, including procurement strategies for education and training products and services.
Agency for Quality Assessment in Education (Švietimo kokybės vertinimo agentūra): This agency is responsible for evaluating the quality of education and training providers, which informs procurement decisions.
Public Procurement Office (Viešųjų pirkimų tarnyba): This office provides guidance and support to public institutions on procurement procedures, including those related to education and training.
Major companies and organizations that frequently secure education and training procurement contracts in Lithuania include:
Šviesa: A leading publisher of educational textbooks and resources in Lithuania.
Didakta: A provider of educational software and ICT solutions for schools and universities.
UAB Televizijos mokykla: A distance learning provider offering vocational training and adult education programs.
VšĮ Kauno technologijos universiteto mokslo parkas: A science and technology park that provides training and incubation services for startups and businesses.
UAB Vilniaus universiteto technologijų parkas: A science and technology park that offers training and innovation support services for businesses.
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