Latest Lithuania Entertainment and Media tenders. Discover new opportunities for Entertainment and Media tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Lithuania.
The Lithuanian entertainment and media (E&M) market is expected to reach €1.04 billion in 2023, up from €0.99 billion in 2022. The market is driven by strong growth in digital E&M, which is expected to account for 58% of total revenue in 2023. Traditional E&M, such as television and radio, is still important, but its share of the market is declining.
The Lithuanian government is a major purchaser of E&M products and services. In 2022, the government spent €120 million on E&M, up from €115 million in 2021. The government procures a wide range of E&M products and services, including television and radio programming, film and video production, and digital media services.
In Lithuania, the focus is on content creation for broadcast media. They procure television and radio programming, encompassing diverse shows ranging from news and documentaries to educational videos. Digital media services like website development, social media management, and online advertising play a significant role, alongside traditional printing and publishing services for government documents, reports, and educational materials. Interestingly, the Lithuanian government also procures event management services for conferences, workshops, and other public events.
The top authorities for E&M procurement in Lithuania are:
The Ministry of Culture
The State Agency for Information Management
The Public Procurement Office
The top winners of E&M procurement in Lithuania are:
Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija (LRT)
Televizijos ir radio komisija (TRC)
Lietuvos kino centras (LKC)
Nacionalinis kinematografijos centras (NKC)
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Lithuania entertainment and media tenders, Lithuania advertising tenders, film production tenders, Lithuania video production tenders, Lithuania photography tenders, Lithuania broadcasting services tenders, Lithuania media monitoring tenders, Lithuania public advertising tenders