Latest Lithuania Human Resources tenders. Discover new opportunities for Human Resources tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Lithuania.
The Lithuanian HR market is characterized by a growing demand for skilled labor, particularly in the IT and engineering sectors. The country's unemployment rate is low, and wages are rising. This is creating a challenge for employers, who are struggling to find and retain qualified candidates.
The Lithuanian government is a major purchaser of HR products and services. In 2022, the government spent over €100 million on HR procurement. The main products and services procured by the government include recruitment services, training services, and HR consulting services.
The main HR products and services procured by the Lithuanian government include:
Recruitment services
Training services
HR consulting services
Payroll services
Employee benefits administration services
The top authorities for Lithuania HR procurement include:
The Ministry of Social Security and Labour
The Ministry of Education and Science
The Ministry of Economy and Innovation
The top winners of Lithuania HR procurement include:
CV Market Lietuva
Personalo sprendimai
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