Latest Luxembourg Banking and Finance tenders. Discover new opportunities for Banking and Finance tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Luxembourg.
Luxembourg's banking and finance sector is a cornerstone of the country's economy, accounting for over 30% of GDP. The country is a leading global center for asset management, private banking, and cross-border investment funds. Luxembourg's strong regulatory framework, skilled workforce, and favorable tax regime have made it an attractive location for financial institutions from around the world.
The Luxembourg government is a major buyer of banking and finance products and services. In 2022, the government spent over €1 billion on these products and services. The government's procurement needs are diverse, ranging from IT infrastructure to financial advisory services.
The Luxembourg government procures a wide range of banking and finance products and services. Some of the most common products and services procured include:
IT infrastructure
Financial advisory services
Asset management services
Custody and settlement services
Payment services
The top authorities for Luxembourg banking and finance procurement are:
The Ministry of Finance
The Central Bank of Luxembourg
The Commissariat aux Assurances (Insurance Supervisory Authority)
Some of the top winners of Luxembourg banking and finance procurement contracts include:
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