Latest Luxembourg Metals tenders. Discover new opportunities for Metals tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Luxembourg.
The Luxembourg metals and non-metals market is a significant contributor to the country's economy. The sector encompasses a diverse range of activities, from mining and processing to manufacturing and distribution. Key figures include:
Market size: Estimated to be worth several billion euros annually.
Exports: Metals and non-metals are major export products for Luxembourg, with destinations worldwide.
Employment: The sector provides jobs for thousands of people in Luxembourg.
The Luxembourg government is a major buyer of metals and non-metals products and services. Key figures include:
Annual procurement budget: Estimated to be several hundred million euros.
Tender opportunities: Numerous tenders are published annually for a wide range of products and services.
Transparency: Procurement processes are transparent and open to competition.
The Luxembourg government procures a wide variety of metals and non-metals products and services, including:
Iron and steel: Used in construction, infrastructure, and manufacturing.
Aluminum: Used in transportation, packaging, and construction.
Copper: Used in electrical wiring, plumbing, and electronics.
Concrete: Used in construction, infrastructure, and building materials.
Aggregates: Used in construction and road construction.
Other: A wide range of other products and services, such as mining equipment, processing machinery, and logistics services.
Several key authorities oversee metals and non-metals procurement in Luxembourg, including:
Ministère de l'Economie: Responsible for overall economic policy and regulation.
Ministère des Finances: Responsible for government procurement.
Ministère de l'Energie et de l'Aménagement du territoire: Responsible for energy and infrastructure.
Service central de la passation des marchés: Responsible for central government procurement.
Numerous companies compete for government contracts in the Luxembourg metals and non-metals sector. Top winners include:
ArcelorMittal: A global steel producer.
Aperam: A stainless steel producer.
CFL Cargo: A logistics company specializing in rail transport.
Cemex: A global cement producer.
LafargeHolcim: A global cement producer.
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