12 Live Notices for Mali Industry Tenders
Showing 1 to 12
Acquisitions Et Installation De Materiels De Sonorisation Et D Alerte
Recrutement D’Un Cabinet International Chargé De L’Évaluation Du Fonds Climat
Supply of Dignity Kits (Sanitary Towel, Soap, Bag, Toothbrush, Loincloth, Body Oil, Underwear, Light Shoes, etc.)
Supply of Computer Materials, Equipment, and Consumables
Supply of Electrical Equipment
Provision of Maintenance of Copiers, Computers, and Office Equipment
Provision of Printing, Screen Printing, Decoration, and Promotional & Communication Materials
Supply of Office Supplies, Materials, Equipment and Furniture
Dao-005-Faoml-2025 Acquisition Des Outils Agricoles
Equipment works for three (03) boreholes, construction and equipment of a 100 m3 water tower and creation of a drinking water distribution network in the locality of Boké Diamby - Commune of Guidimakan Kéri Kaffo, Cercle d'Ambidédi, Region of Kayes
Acquisition De 20 Véhicules De Types Ampirol Multi-Ben Ou Bom Et Pièces De Rechanges Avec Contrat De Maintenance Full Scope Sur 3 Ans
Réponse à l’Appel d’Offre International pour l’acquisition de 60 paillasses mobiles en lot unique pour les trois laboratoires de niveau P2 / Response to the International Call for Tenders for the acquisition of 60 mobile benches in a single batch for the three P2 level laboratories