18 Live Notices for Mali Construction Tenders
Showing 1 to 18
In Charge Of Finance
Ict4D Charged
Acquisitions Et Installation De Materiels De Sonorisation Et D'Alerte
Provision of Construction or Renovation Work on Buildings/BTP
Ppm - Mali - Support Project For Socioeconomic Reintegration Of The Populations Of Northern Mali (Simplified) - Parsep -Nm
Ami - Mali - Development Of The Sub-Basin Master Plan Which Will Serve As A Tool For Planning Development Actions And Enhancing Natural Resources - Pidacc/Bn
Project Officer In Infrastructure
Equipment works for three (03) boreholes, construction and equipment of a 100 m3 water tower and creation of a drinking water distribution network in the locality of Boké Diamby - Commune of Guidimakan Kéri Kaffo, Cercle d'Ambidédi, Region of Kayes
Conseil (Era) In Gender Equality
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P164052- Mali Drylands Development Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P168812- Promote Access To Finance, Entrepreneurship And Employment In Mali - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P166796- Mali Electricity Sector Improvement Project (Mesip) - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P171658- Bamako Urban Resilience Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P171658- Bamako Urban Resilience Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P171658- Bamako Urban Resilience Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P164052- Mali Drylands Development Project - Procurement Plan (English)
Mali - Western And Central Africa- P503776- Advancing Resilience And Inclusive Health Systems For Everyone (Arise - Keneya Yiriwali) In Mali - Procurement Plan (English)