Latest Malta Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Malta.
Malta's education and training market is valued at approximately €200 million annually. The market is driven by a strong demand for skilled labor, particularly in the ICT, hospitality, and healthcare sectors. The government of Malta is committed to investing in education and training, and has implemented a number of initiatives to support the sector.
The government of Malta is a major procurer of education and training products and services. In 2022, the government spent over €100 million on education and training procurement
The main education and training products and services procured by the Malta government are:
Curriculum development
Teacher training
Vocational education and training
Higher education
Adult education
The top authorities for Malta education and training procurement are:
The Ministry of Education
The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority
The Malta Vocational Education and Training Council
The top winners of Malta education and training procurement are:
The University of Malta
STC Training
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