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Global Malta Entertainment and Media Tenders

Malta Entertainment and Media Tenders

Latest Malta Entertainment and Media tenders. Discover new opportunities for Entertainment and Media tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Malta.

How big is the Entertainment and Media market in Malta?

The Entertainment and Media (E&M) market in Malta is a vibrant and growing sector, contributing significantly to the country's economy. The market is expected to reach a value of €184 million by 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5%. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of digital media, the rising disposable incomes of Maltese citizens, and the growing demand for entertainment and leisure activities.

Malta government Entertainment and Media Procurement

The Maltese government is a major purchaser of E&M products and services. In 2022, the government spent €20 million on E&M procurement, which accounted for 11% of all government procurement spending. The government procures a wide range of E&M products and services, including.

What Entertainment and Media does the Malta government buy?

The Maltese government adopts a diverse approach, procuring content from both public and private broadcasters for their television and radio services. This ensures a wide range of news, documentaries, and entertainment programs for their citizens. They also support the creation of local films, educational videos, and promotional materials through film and video production. Music production and recording services are available to foster the development of Maltese musicians, alongside event support in the form of funding and facilities. The government also relies on printing and publishing services for government documents, publications, and marketing materials. Finally, software development services play a vital role in creating and maintaining government IT systems and e-government services.

Major Entertainment and Media buyers in Malta government

The top authorities for E&M procurement in Malta are:
The Ministry of Culture
The Malta Film Commission
The Broadcasting Authority
The Malta Communications Authority

Who wins the most Entertainment and Media contracts from the Malta government?

The top winners of E&M procurement in Malta include:
PBS Malta

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Malta entertainment and media tenders, Malta advertising tenders, film production tenders, Malta video production tenders, Malta photography tenders, Malta broadcasting services tenders, Malta media monitoring tenders, Malta public advertising tenders

2 Live Notices for Malta Entertainment and Media Tenders

Showing 1 to 2

Provision Of Video Production With Actors For Educational Purposes
country Malta
posting date18 Feb 2025
deadline27 Feb 2025
Provision Of Social Media Outreach Services For The European Union Agency For Asylum (Euaa)
country Malta
posting date27 Jan 2025
deadline03 Mar 2025