Latest Malta Healthcare and Medicine tenders. Discover new opportunities for Healthcare and Medicine tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Malta.
Malta's healthcare and medicine market is booming, with spending projected to reach €1.52 billion by 2023. This surge is driven by a rapidly aging population, increasing disposable incomes, and a government committed to modernization.
The Maltese government plays a central role in this market, wielding significant purchasing power through public procurement. In 2023 alone, they're expected to spend over €308 million on medical products, shaping the landscape for manufacturers and suppliers.
Malta's procurement needs are diverse, encompassing everything from basic bandages and pharmaceuticals to high-tech medical equipment and innovative biotech solutions.
Several key authorities oversee this complex dance of supply and demand. The Medicines Authority ensures quality and safety, while the Central Procurement and Supplies Division orchestrates the bidding and award processes.
Leading the pack in recent wins are established players like Baxter Healthcare, Medtronic, and Fresenius Medica
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