Latest Malta Roadways tenders. Discover new opportunities for Roadways tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Malta.
The Malta roadways market is a dynamic and growing sector, driven by increasing traffic congestion and a growing focus on sustainable transportation. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% over the next five years, reaching a value of €100 million by 2026.
The Maltese government is a major procurer of roadways products and services. In 2022, the government spent €20 million on roadways procurement. The government is committed to investing in sustainable transportation infrastructure, and is expected to continue to increase its spending on roadways procurement in the coming years.
The main roadway products and services procured by the Maltese government include:
Road construction and maintenance
Road safety products
Traffic management systems
Intelligent transportation systems
The top authorities for Malta roadways procurement are:
Transport Malta
Infrastructure Malta
The Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects
The top winners of Malta roadways procurement are:
Asfalt Malta
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