Latest Malta Sports and Leisure tenders. Discover new opportunities for Sports and Leisure tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Malta.
Malta's sports and leisure market is a vibrant and growing sector. The sunny weather and stunning scenery make it a popular destination for both tourists and locals looking to enjoy outdoor activities. The market is valued at over €4 billion annually and is expected to grow at a steady pace in the coming years.
Key figures:
Market size: €4 billion+
Growth rate: Steady
Main sectors: Water sports, fitness, golf, tourism
The Maltese government is a major player in the sports and leisure market, investing heavily in facilities and programs. This includes the construction of new sports stadiums and leisure centers, as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
Key figures:
Government expenditure on sports and leisure: €100 million+
Number of government-funded sports facilities: 200+
The government procures a wide range of sports and leisure products and services, including:
Construction and maintenance of sports facilities
Equipment and supplies for sports teams and athletes
Organization of sporting events
Marketing and promotion of sports and leisure activities
The main authorities responsible for sports and leisure procurement in Malta are:
Malta Sports Council
Malta Tourism Authority
Ministry of Education and Culture
Some of the top winners of Malta sports and leisure procurement contracts in recent years include:
Greens Sports International
Melita Sports Ltd.
Eden Leisure Group
Tags -
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