12 Live Notices for Middle East Surveillance System Tenders
Showing 1 to 12
Maintenance work for the attendance and departure systems and surveillance cameras for administrative headquarters in nature reserves across the country
Supply and installation of chlorine sensors for the neutralization tower system for water stations (Fustat - Tebbin - Marj)
supply of goods for the installation and commissioning of CCTV cameras
Purchase surveillance cameras for the university
Supply and installation of a surveillance camera system to develop customer service centers in various locations
Procrument of Connecting eye cameras to the command and control center
Supplying and installing surveillance cameras in the university campus restaurant, students
Supply and installation of network camera surveillance system At the company's factories in Dishna - Qena Governorate
Provision of CCTV systems operation and maintenance service
Supply and installation of surveillance cameras for the stroke center and other departments
Supply, Installation, Testing, And Commissioning Of Cctv Surveillance At Kahramaa Facilities With Integration To Remote Central Monitoring Station