6 Live Notices for MENA Joinery And Carpentry Tenders
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Buying wood And carpentry supplies
Application No. 178/2024 For Negotiated Contract From 11/27/2024 At 12 P.M. Subject Of The Contract: Construction Works For Housing “Riad Al Bahia” 1St Stage Structural Works-Waterproofing-Coating-Joinery-Electricity-Plumbing Sanitary-Painting-Glazing Exterior Fitting Energy Efficiency-Elevator Located In The Rural Commune Of Mejjat- Prefecture Of Meknes
Construction for the implementation of the project of stairs and access road to Laleh Saqez Park
Construction Work On The Al Barid Football Stadium In The Rabat Prefecture. Lot No. 2: Structural Work, Metal Framework, Waterproofing, Coverings, False Ceilings, Joinery, Painting And Exterior Fittings
Construction Works Of A M1 Mosque And Its Outbuildings In The Rural Commune Of Ain Aouda, Lot N°02: Floor And Wall Coverings, Wood – Aluminium And Metal Joinery, Electricity – Glazing And Sound Systems, Plumbing – Sanitary Appliances, Painting, Fire Protection, And Exterior Landscaping.
Reconstruction Work On The Prince Moulay El Hassan Football Stadium In Rabat, Lot 2: Structural Work, Metal And Wood Framework, Waterproofing, Coverings, False Ceilings, Joinery, Painting And Exterior Fittings