50 Live Notices for MENA Hotel Restaurant Services Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Providing services for preparing, cooking, distributing and serving three meals and one afternoon snack for operations staff in part of Industrial Complex No. 1 (Crete), Ahvaz 4 and Ahvaz 2
Providing services for preparing, cooking, distributing, and serving three meals and one afternoon snack for operations staff in the kitchens of the Shirin Sazi and Mansouri refineries.
Reception And Catering Services Relating To The Actions Of The Council And Assemblies Under The Tangier Tangouan Al Hoceima Region
supply of required materials, equipment and cooking and distribution of daily hot meals to the personnel of Qoqnos One Mine
Operation of a shop selling sweets and confectionery
Operation of an electronic cigarette sales shop
Operation of an ice cream shop
Operation of an optical and eyewear store and men's hairdressing salon
Operating a Multimedia Store
Operation of a tea room and a store selling original National Team Equipment
Operation of a cosmetic product sales store and date shop
EMC_HBKU Graduation Ceremony Class of 2025
Management of the canteen and cafeteria of the headquarters of the General Directorate of Algeria Post
Purchase and preparation of raw materials, cooking and distribution of food for personnel and patients of the 17th of Shahrivar and Modarres Hospital Complex
Preparing, cooking, and distributing food to Razi and Iranmehr hospitals in Saravan city
Preparing, cooking, and distributing food at Dar Al-Shifa Hospital in Mirjaveh City
Upgrading and operating a hotel with its annexes at the Civic Education Center in Al-Jazirah for 15 years
Catering And Reception On The Occasion Of Various Events Organized By The Province Of Aousserd.
Establishing and operating a restaurant and cafeteria on an area of 375 m2 With a usufruct system for 10 years
Procurement for the transfer of food stalls in Laleh Park and Kohistan Park (4 locations) Cultural, Social and Sports Organization of Najafabad Municipality