6 Live Notices for Mexico Consultancy Tenders
Showing 1 to 6
U.S. Embassy Mexico—International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs (Inl Mexico) Assessment Of The Professionalization & Certification Of Investigative Police Officers In Mexico
5.2.12-2 Desarrollo De Plataforma Y App Para El Programa “Biciclando"
Servicio De Consultoría: Desarrollo De Ruta De Salud Integral De Nna Y Mujeres Embarazadas O En Periodo De Lactancia En Movilidad En El Estado De Chihuahua, Para Unicef México.
Expanding capacities and skills for territorial management and governance, advocacy and multi-level negotiation of leaders of Indigenous Peoples and environmental defenders in Latin America”
“Expanding capacities and skills for territorial management and governance, advocacy and multi-level negotiation of leaders of Indigenous Peoples and environmental defenders in Latin America”
Assistant Administrative Technician Specialized In Accounting