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Buy Smaller Periodic Replacement Material And Medication.
Purchase Of Office Supplies And Accessories For The Different Areas Of The Municipality.
Purchase Of Anti -Infectious Medications For Silais And Their Health Units R.S.J.
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Ethanol (96%) AR\nPacking: 2500ml etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Influenza A and B antigen Rapid test- ICT\nPacking : 100 strips etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Slide Cleaning Solution Concentrate\nPacking : 1000ml etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Cardiac Troponin I qualitative strips\n1. The Troponin assay test strip should be able\nto detect cardiac Troponin I(cTnI) in serum\n/plasma/whole blood cTnI.\n2. The method of analyzing cTn should be\nbased on double antibody lateral flow\nImmunoassay technique with specific\nantibodies to cTnI to provide maximum\nspecificity.\n3. The reaction time should be less than 20\nminutes for each test.\n4. Should be very sensitive with a cutoff point\nof cTnI not more than 1 ng/mL and preferably\n0.5 ng/mL.\n5. Stirp should have a built in quality control\nfeature control line" which indicates defective\nstripm inadequate volume or inadequate flow\nof the sample.\n6. Minimum serum volume required should be\nnot more than 200 micro litre.\n7. Traceability certificate should be available\n8. Supply of positive and Negative controls are\npreferable.\n9. Additional instruments should not be\nrequired to perform the test except using a\npipette and the strip. If any additional\ninstruments required, it should be supplied by\nthe strip provider “Free of charge” for all users.\n10. Should have Cosmetic Devices Drug\nAuthority (CDDA) / National Medicinal\nRegulatory Authority (NMRA) certificate.\nPacking : 25 strips etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Reagent kit for serum creatinine estimation:\ncolorimetric kinetic (alkaline-picrate) method\n,double reagent R1,R2 (200tests/kit) with\nstandards\nPacking : 1 Kit etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : ELISA test for detection of IgM antibodies to\nHerpes simplex virus 1 in Human serum (96\ntests/kit)\nPacking : 1 kit etc .
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : ROTROL N for Rotational\nThromboelastometry 5 vials/pack\nPacking : 1 pack etc .
Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Chemicals to Sarawak Biodiversity Centre
Supply and Delivery of cellular and molecular biology reagents and equipment/apparatus for teaching purposes
Supply and delivery of laboratory chemicals and reagents for teaching purposes
Supply and delivery of Medical laboratory chemicals reagents
Supply and delivery of pharmaceutical drugs
Proposal to Supply Chemicals and Reagents for the Use of Applied Biosystem Genetic Analyzer and Real Time PCR
Supply molecular (biology reagents, diagnostics solution), nuclei acid purification, bioinformatics system, and testing of various DNA sequencing (genetic fingerprinting, genome and metagenomics)
Supply MicroBiotests Toxkits materials