9 Live Notices for North Africa Horticultural Tenders
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Plantation Work Of 100 Ha Of Olive Tree At The Level Of The Territorial Commune Korimate, Zone Of Action Of The Dpa Of Essaouira.
Olive tree planting works on an area of 200 hectares in the Ganfouda commune, Jerada province.
Removal and maintenance of water hyacinth and other weeds from the Nile River Nile Edfu Engineering from 74,000 km to 121,700 km For the fiscal year 2024/2025 – 2025/2026
Provision of Stowy Stadium with weed and tree removal and control works
Seaweed removal, cleaning of the netting area K 131,300In the General Administration of Irrigation, West Minya For the fiscal year 2024/2025 - 2025/2026
Provision of cleaning and weeding process for the Nubaria Canal in the distance from behind the mouth to Lock K 100 for the fiscal years 2024/2025, 2025/2026
Provision of Cleaning the guide halls and stations of Al-Thawra, Al-Hurriya, Al-Tahrir, Mariopolis, and Mariouteya, and the Amiriya Irrigation Inspection Department for the fiscal years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026
Maintenance and development of green spaces
Rental of equipment (backhoe loader) for the maintenance of drinking water networks in the Mahdia District