25 Live Notices for North Africa Power Transformers Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Maintenance contract for medium and low voltage panels My backhaul panels and power transformers for the October Service Complex
Supply, Transport And Installation Of Hydromechanical Equipment And The Mt/Bt Ajermiya 1 Transformer Position
Maintenance Of Electrical Transformers In Institutes
Supply, Transport And Installation Of Hydromechanical Equipment And Mt/Bt Batten Zannouch Transformer Stations
Maintenance and operation of medium and low voltage system, distributors and transformers, including installation of spare parts
Right to exploit, manage and maintain transformer stations and their electricity networks
Supply, installation and operation of one capacitor panel for transformer No. 2.
Implementation of periodic electromechanical maintenance works for generators, electrical transformers, main and sub-distribution panels and ATS in the deposit area
Announcement Of National Advice No. 06/2025
Completion Of The Project To Complete The Works Of Purchasing And Installing An Electrical Transformer And Distributing Electrical Wires At The Intervention Units Barracks In Rades El Ghaba
Maintenance and refurbishment of overhead and sheltered MT/BT transformer stations of the various powers
Development and transformation of the classic MT/BT transformer stations in the Moknine district and Menzel M'Hiri drilling into stations with three prefabricated cells in SF6 supplied by an underground 30 KV MT arrival
Acquisition of MT/BT electrical transformers to electrify the new boreholes of the DR1
Repair and testing on approved test bench of MT/BT electrical transformers
Maintenance work on the transformers of the DPE boreholes
Electrification and supply and installation of a transformer station for the GONTASS 2ter drilling in the Kairouan governorate of the SAHEL production division
Electrification and supply and installation of a post transformer of the CHERICHIRA 5 bis borehole in the Kairouan governorate of the SAHEL production division
Electrification and supply and installation of a post transformer of the CHERICHIRA 1 bis drilling in the Kairouan governorate of the SAHEL production division
Maintenance of transformers in the Sahel production division
Maintenance and testing on a test bench approved by STEG of MT/BT transformers