143 Live Notices for North Africa Real Estate Tenders
Showing 1 to 20
Acquisition of asset management system (buildings and land)
Usufruct area of approximately 750 m2
Rent shop No. 5 near the stadium wall
Renting of Buffet and gym
Renting Thursday Market in Armant Al-Wabourat and Monday Market in Armant Al-Hayt
Renting of Physical Therapy Center in Al-Tarrak area at the main headquarters in Heliopolis 48m
Rent of Library
Rent Cafeteria No. (4) at the Faculty of Medicine
Rent Bank Misr headquarters inside the university campus
Rent a number of places within the university campus
Management operator and operation of a bazaar and a tourist library in the international departure hall | Marsa Matrouh International Airport.
Management operator and operation of a sales outlet | Mobile accessories in the arrival hall | International at Marsa Matrouh International Airport (notice).
Submission Deadline Extension For Rfq/Lby/Tr/25/005.
Right to exploit and manage an area of 350 square meters in the beach ball area to establish a hangar for practicing physical sports.
Right to exploit and manage the activity of the Ballet Academy at the Hockey Stadium.
Right to exploit and manage an area of 1500 square meters in the Green Corner gaming area
Right to exploit and manage a shop in the Toshka area (any activity except food and beverages).
Right to exploit and manage three padel tennis courts.
Rent the 4 shops with numbers “16, 17, 18, 21” with an area of 6.25 m for each shop in the Qalyub Station area at parking lot 158 and 1 shop with 2 doors with an area of 57 m in the local unit in Belqas
Rent the 4 shops with numbers “34, 38, 39, 45” with an area of 5 square meters for each shop in the workshop area.