16 Live Notices for North Africa Security Systems Tenders
Showing 1 to 16
Upgrade, renewal of the GIS solution, integration of new functionality - 3D support - Real-time visualization - Integration of smart meter data, flow meters and SCADA - Workflow update GIS - Workforce management - Raster management - Video surveillance
Supply: Industrial security equipment, pumps and tanks
Strengthening And Security Of Rural Aep Systems In The Province Of Ouezzane Lot 3: Civil Engineering And Equipment
Supply and installation of surveillance cameras for the company's various sites
The Maintenance And Maintenance Of Climatic, Electric, Hydropneumatic Installations Including Spare Parts And Labor And Workforce Serving The Server Room And The Cnie Production Room Of The Directorate Of Information Systems And Communication (Dsic), Rooms From The Current Headquarters Of The General Directorate Of National Security In Rabat.
Supply, installation and maintenance of surveillance cameras and upgrading the control room
Supply and installation of surveillance cameras for the central building, branches and stations (Phase Four)
Supply, installation and operation of surveillance cameras for some university colleges (boys and girls) in Cairo and the provinces
supply of security personnel And the security of the Directorate of Health Affairs in Alexandria and the Datahaj units
Supplying the needs of security systems and civil defense
Design And Supply Of Early Fire Detection And Fire Suppresion Systems For Various Locations In Western Sahara.
Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Electronic Security Systems For The Benefit Of The National Financial Intelligence Authority In Single Lot.
Supply, installation and commissioning of two (02) metal detectors/separators.
Acquisition of navigation and position sensors 9 connectors and hardened components.
Supply of warning devices