16 Live Notices for North Africa Sewage Works Tenders
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Renovation Works Of The Sewage Network And Roofing Of The Internal Corridor In Al-Sars Prison
Provision for the extraction and safe disposal of sewage treatment plant waste (Al-Hama)
Provision of avoiding the observations of the fire and safety system works at Qasr Rashwan sewage treatment plant
Operation and maintenance of Sanhour El Bahary sewage treatment plant
Replacement and renewal of sewage slope lines for some streets in the Ard Al-Liwa area -
Replacement and renewal of sewage slope lines for some streets in the Mit Okba area
Construction works of drinking water and liquid sewage networks in Al-Masarah district
Establishing a tree forest planted with treated sewage water
Provision to improve the efficiency of the sewage network
Replacement and renovation of sewage lifting stations (complete replacement and renovation of the main Al-Rashidah station) in Dakhla Center, and complete replacement and renovation of (the main Al-Zayat station in Balat Center), and replacement and renovation of the Al-Zayat lifting station’s expulsion line to the oxidation ponds
Provision for maintenance and operation works for water stations and networks, sewage, desalination, lifting and treatment
Provision of Replacement and renewal of electromechanical works for the Abbasi sewage lift in Faraskur, using the (single envelope) system.
Provision of Smoothing of sewage and drainage networks, east of the city, using the (single envelope) system.
Provision of Smoothing of sewage and drainage networks, west of the city, using the (single envelope) system.
Replacing and renewing the covered sewage network in the area
Provision for cleaning works of drinking water and sewage stations Treatment and administrative units in Aswan