Latest Netherlands Education and Training tenders. Discover new opportunities for Education and Training tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Netherlands.
The Netherlands education and training market is a dynamic and growing sector, with a total revenue of US$39.74 million in 2022. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.17% from 2022 to 2027, reaching a projected market volume of US$68.66 million by 2027.
The Netherlands government is a major purchaser of education and training products and services, spending approximately EUR 5.8 billion on school education and EUR 2.7 billion on vocational training and higher education in 2021.
The main education and training products and services procured by the Netherlands government include:
Curriculum development and implementation
Teacher training and professional development
Educational materials and resources
Assessment and evaluation services
IT infrastructure and support
The top authorities for Netherlands education and training procurement include:
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW)
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (SZW)
Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK)
Ministry of Defense (Defensie)
Ministry of Justice and Security (JenV)
The top winners of Netherlands education and training procurement include:
Inholland University of Applied Sciences
Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
Hanze University of Applied Sciences
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Netherlands education and training tenders, government education training tenders Netherlands, global education training tenders, Netherlands education training bids, Netherlands elearning tenders, education training public tenders, Netherlands education training consultant tenders