Latest Netherlands Roadways tenders. Discover new opportunities for Roadways tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Netherlands.
The Netherlands roadways market is a well-developed and mature market with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. The market is valued at over €20 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.5% over the next five years. The Dutch government is a major player in the roadways market, investing heavily in infrastructure development and maintenance. The private sector is also active in the market, with a number of large multinational companies headquartered in the Netherlands.
The Dutch government is the largest purchaser of roadways products and services in the Netherlands. In 2020, the government spent over €5 billion on roadways procurement. The government procures a wide range of products and services, including road construction, maintenance, and traffic management. The government is committed to procuring sustainable products and services and is increasingly using green procurement practices.
The main roadway products and services procured by the Dutch government include:
Road construction
Road maintenance
Traffic management
Road safety
Bridge construction and maintenance
Tunnel construction and maintenance
The top authorities for Netherlands roadways procurement are:
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS)
Dienst Weg- en Verkeer (DVW)
The top winners of Netherlands roadways procurement are:
BAM Infra
Ballast Nedam
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