Latest Norway Entertainment and Media tenders. Discover new opportunities for Entertainment and Media tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Norway.
The Norwegian entertainment and media market is valued at approximately NOK 80 billion (USD 8.8 billion) and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4% from 2023 to 2030. The market is driven by strong consumer demand for digital content, as well as the growth of new technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality.
The Norwegian government procures a wide range of entertainment and media products and services, including films, television programs, music, and digital content. In 2022, the government spent NOK 2.5 billion (USD 275 million) on entertainment and media procurement.
The main entertainment and media products and services procured by the Norwegian government include:
Films and television programs
Music and other audio content
Digital content, such as websites and apps
Services related to the production and distribution of entertainment and media content
The top authorities for Norway entertainment and media procurement include:
The Norwegian Film Institute
The Norwegian Media Authority
The Norwegian Arts Council
The top winners of Norway entertainment and media procurement include:
TV 2
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Norway entertainment and media tenders, Norway advertising tenders, film production tenders, Norway video production tenders, Norway photography tenders, Norway broadcasting services tenders, Norway media monitoring tenders, Norway public advertising tenders