21 Live Notices for Oceania Consultancy Services Tenders
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International Environmental Specialist
Consultancy to Develop WCPFC Training Resources and Learning Aids to Improve Support for WCPFC Members
Risk Informed Spatial Planning
Airport Asset Management Support For Faleolo International Airport
Provision of Feasibility Study on the Status of Provincial Education in Fiji
Provision of Statistical modernisation progress assessment
Project Coordination Unit (Pcu) Firm
Consultants to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that defines CIIC’s roles
Provision of Acoustics Engineering Consultancy
By-catch and Integrated Ecosystem Management Initiative Film Production
Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands - Climate Change Support Officer
Development of a Pacific Action Plan on Mercury under the Global Environment Facility
Analysis and mapping of ecosystem and socio-economic resilience (ESRAM) in Wallis and Futuna
Initial training and support for the development of agroforestry demonstration plots in regenerative hydrology in Kouaoua (Northern province, New Caledonia) re-posting
Pacific Coral Reef Monitoring Assessment
Strengthening SPREP’s Capacity as a Direct Access Entity – Review & Enhancement of SPREP Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS) including the Development of a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
Consultancy – Co-Development of Climate and Biodiversity Smart Marine Spatial Planning Indicators for the Pacific Islands’ region (CaB Smart MSP Project Consultant)
Professional Services Firm / Consortium of consultants to support adaptation planning in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and development of FSM’s National Adaptation Plan and updated Joint State Action Plans for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Consultancy to develop a Pacific Regional Code of Practice (CoP) on Hazardous Wastes