6 Live Notices for Oceania Steel Tenders
Showing 1 to 6
Construction of 4 Steel Reinforced Concrete Drifts and 130m Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement at Moriu and Nikaura on Vaemali to Leba Road Section on Epi.
Construction of 120m Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement and 15m Steel Reinforced Concrete Drift at Sanai Hill and Creek between Ulei to Taviak, Southeast Ambrym.
Construction of 4 Steel Reinforced Concrete Drifts and 130m Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement at Moriu and Nikaura on Vaemali to Leba Road Section on Epi.
Construction of 120m Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement and 15m Steel Reinforced Concrete Drift at Sanai Hill and Creek between Ulei to Taviak Southeast Ambrym.
IW,AN, TN, Construction of Steel Reinforced Concrete Cross Drainage Structures (Culverts and Drifts) at Utche to Umetch road, Aneityum Island, Tafea Province
Ta-9912 Reg: Developing And Implementing Private Sector Projects In Fragile And Conflict-Affected Situations And Small Island Developing States - Researcher (53373-001)