Latest Portugal Banking and Finance tenders. Discover new opportunities for Banking and Finance tenders daily and win lucrative contracts across Portugal.
The Portuguese banking and finance market is a well-developed and sophisticated sector that plays a vital role in the country's economy. The market is characterized by a high degree of concentration, with the four largest banks controlling over 80% of market share. However, there is also a growing number of smaller and more innovative players entering the market.
The Portuguese government is a major procurer of banking and finance products and services. In 2021, the government spent over €2 billion on banking and finance procurement. The main types of products and services procured by the government include:
Financial advisory services
Investment banking services
Asset management services
Insurance services
Payment services
The Portuguese government procures a wide range of banking and finance products and services. Some of the most common types of products and services procured include:
Credit lines
Treasury management services
Trade finance services
Risk management services
The top authorities for Portugal banking and finance procurement are:
Banco de Portugal (BdP)
Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM)
Agência de Gestão Financeira e Patrimonial do Estado (AGFP)
The top winners of Portugal banking and finance procurement are:
Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD)
Millennium BCP
Santander Totta
Novo Banco
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