5 Live Notices for 阴道镜招标
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Acquisition Of Colposcope Equipment For The Health Center Dr. Arno Sens - Boiçucanga - Parliamentary Amendment No. 2023.00547323 State Deputy Danilo Balas *
Delivery Of Medical Devices As Part Of The Implementation Of The Project From The Regional Program "Health Infrastructure" Fewm.10.01-Iz.00-002/24
Rfi Colposcope With Camera
Digital Video Colposcope
Speculum and retractors , EA_ECC Sets , Cytology Bottles , MR Syringes , Colposcope , Stitch Removal Sets , View Box X-ray , Ayers Spatula , Vaginal Hysterectomy set , Myomectomy Instruments , Diagnostic and Operative Laproscopy , Electrocautery , Electrocautery Vessel Sealer , Delivery sets , Digital_Electronic BP Apparatus , Cardiotocogram Machine , Portable Ultrasound , High Suction Machine , Oxytocin Infusion Pumps , Gross Specimen , X-ray_US Film , View Box X_ray , Multimedia Projector with Screen , Set of Instruments for Teaching , Cervical Biopsy set , IUCD Insertion_Removal set , Set for LSCS , Suction Machine , Uterine Pakcing Forceps , Vacuum extractor and suction Machine , Ambubag Laryngoscope , Infusion Pump , EB set , Laparocator for tubal ligation , Blood Pressure Apparatus_Digital , Weighing Machine , Height Scale , Glucometers , Suture removal sets , Ultrasound , Cutdown sets , Ambubag Laryngoscope Bag resuscitation , X_ray View Box , Multichannel Monitor , Fetal Monitor for Antepartum Suveillance , Hysterosalphigogram Cannula , BP Apparatus , Opthalmoscope , Lumbar Puncture needles_Disposable , Plueral Biopsy_Disposable , Liver Biopsy Needles_Disposable , Kidney Biopsy Needles_Disposable , Bone Marrow biopsy needles_Disposable , Bone Marrow Aspiration needles_Disposable , X_ray Viewing Box , Proctoscope , Spirometer System , Defibrillator , Non_Invasive BP Apparatus , Ambubag _Laryngoscope , Stadiometer , Bone Marrow Needle , Pleural aspiration needle , Vim_Silverman Liver biopsy needle , True cut Renal biopsy needle , Xray view box_non-consumables , Phototherapy Unit_Double surface , Beds