21 Live Notices for 电容器招标
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Handling And Chillers Maintenance
Replacement Of Capacitors Battery At The Power Station
139353 - 55520
Package 1: Supply Aluminum Cable Twisted After Customer Meter
Ups For New Server Room
Pa 25/2025 - Automatic Metro Di Torino - Supply Of Condensators Of The 0.5 Μf And 5 Μf Inverter Panel Sub -Group
Aix Server For Oracle Database
Electronics Details Of Blocks Belonging To Marker Devices
Electronics Details Of Blocks Belonging To Marker Devices
Supply And Install Of Lighting Upgrades In Swan River, Russell And The Pas.
Image Sensors Fabrication Services
Supply of 33 kV capacitors
Réparation De Façades De Quais, Clés De Caissons Et Correction D’Affouillement
Pa 25/2025 - Turin Automatic Metro - Supply Of 0.5 Μf And 5 Μf Inverter Panel Subgroup Capacitors For Vehicle Traction System Val208Ng - Special Sectors
Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is11037 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Electricalsockets - Is 1293 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Electricalswitch Socket Combination As Per Is 3854 And Is 1293 (Q3), Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) , Electrical Plugs (V2)Isi Marked To Is 1293 (Q2) , Non - Modular Piano Typedomestic Electrical Switches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) , Elecricbells And Accessories As Per Is 2268 (Q3) , Modular Pianotype Domestic Electrical Switches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) ,Piano Type Modular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293(Q3) Quantity: 6530
Led Batten (Q2) , Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up Toand Including 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , Modularelectrical Enclosure Switch Board Boxes For Modular Typeaccessories (Q3) , Molded Case Circuit Breakers (Mccb) Asper Is / Iec 60947 (Q3) , Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitorfor Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) ,Piano Type Modular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293(Q3) , Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches Asper Is 3854 (Q3) , Electrical Connection Lugs Or Thimbles(Q3) , Compression Cable Lugs (Q3) , European Pattern Toiletseat Vitreous China (Q3) , Bathroom Water Shower (Q3) ,Sinks / Wash Basins - Vitreous China As Per Is 2556 (Part 4)(Q3) , Curtain Pipe, Sider And Mounting Bracket (Q4) , Wastepipe (Q3) , Hydraulically Regulated Door Closers(Q3) , Waste Fittings For Washbasin And Sinks As Per Is 2963(Q3) , Door Handles As Per Is 208 (Q4) , Connection Pipewith Nuts (V2) (Q3) , Towel Rail / Ring For Bathroom (Q3) ,Towel Rail / Ring / Rack / Hooks For Bathroom (Q3) , Pianotype Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is 11037(Q3) Quantity: 13469
General-Maintenance In Ssb Sub Station.-Maintenance Of Vcb, Acb And Replacement Of Faulty Meters And Capacitors In Ssb Substation ,Mch, Thiruvananthapuram.-General Electrical Work
Non - Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches Asper Is 3854 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domesticelectrical Sockets - Is 1293 (Q3) , Fixed Capacitors (Fixedcapacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is1709:1984 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Fanregulator As Per Is 11037 (Q3) , Electrical Plugs (V2) Isimarked To Is 1293 (Q2) , Piano Type Non Modular Electricalswitch Socket Combination As Per Is 3854 And Is 1293 (Q3) Quantity: 2245
Led Batten (Q2) , Mcb - Miniature Circuit - Breakers For A.C.Operation As Per Is / Iec 60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , Led Gardenlight (V2) (Q2) , Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up To Andincluding 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , Piano Typenon Modular Electrical Switch Socket Combination As Per Is3854 And Is 1293 (Q3) , Elecric Bells And Accessories As Peris 2268 (Q3) , Modular Piano Type Domestic Electricalswitches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) , Fixed Capacitors (Fixedcapacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is1709:1984 (Q3) , Propeller Type Ac Ventilating Fans -Exhaust Fans (V2) As Per Is 2312 (Q2) , Copper Alloy Fancytaps For Bathroom As Per Is 8931 (Latest) (Q3) ,Hydraulically Regulated Door Closers (Q3) , Ledbulkhead Light (Q3) , Tower Bolts (Ferrous Metals) As Per Is204 (Q3) , Curtain Pipe, Sider And Mounting Bracket (Q4) ,Bathroom Water Shower (Q3) , Ceiling Rose - Is 371 (Q3) ,Toilet Seat - Indian Style Squatting Pan (Q3) , Door Handlesas Per Is 208 (Q4) , Towel Rail / Ring For Bathroom (Q3) ,Piano Type Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is 11037(Q3) , Molded Case Circuit Breakers (Mccb) As Per Is / Iec60947 (Q3) , Switch Fuse Unit (Q3) , Light Emitting Diodedriver (Q4) , Connection Pipe With Nuts (V2) (Q3) , Wastepipe (Q3) , Flushing Cistern (Q3) , Toilet Seat Covers (V2)(Q4) , Cast Copper Alloy Screw Down Bib Taps And Stopvalves For Water Services As Per Is 781 (Q3) , Europeanpattern Toilet Seat Vitreous China (Q3) , Wood Screws (Q3) ,Wire Nails (Q4) Quantity: 2421