11 Live Notices for 固定电容器招标
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Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is11037 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Electricalsockets - Is 1293 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Electricalswitch Socket Combination As Per Is 3854 And Is 1293 (Q3), Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) , Electrical Plugs (V2)Isi Marked To Is 1293 (Q2) , Non - Modular Piano Typedomestic Electrical Switches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) , Elecricbells And Accessories As Per Is 2268 (Q3) , Modular Pianotype Domestic Electrical Switches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) ,Piano Type Modular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293(Q3) Quantity: 6530
Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Ac Electricfan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) Quantity: 445
Led Batten (Q2) , Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up Toand Including 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , Modularelectrical Enclosure Switch Board Boxes For Modular Typeaccessories (Q3) , Molded Case Circuit Breakers (Mccb) Asper Is / Iec 60947 (Q3) , Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitorfor Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) ,Piano Type Modular Domestic Electrical Sockets - Is 1293(Q3) , Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches Asper Is 3854 (Q3) , Electrical Connection Lugs Or Thimbles(Q3) , Compression Cable Lugs (Q3) , European Pattern Toiletseat Vitreous China (Q3) , Bathroom Water Shower (Q3) ,Sinks / Wash Basins - Vitreous China As Per Is 2556 (Part 4)(Q3) , Curtain Pipe, Sider And Mounting Bracket (Q4) , Wastepipe (Q3) , Hydraulically Regulated Door Closers(Q3) , Waste Fittings For Washbasin And Sinks As Per Is 2963(Q3) , Door Handles As Per Is 208 (Q4) , Connection Pipewith Nuts (V2) (Q3) , Towel Rail / Ring For Bathroom (Q3) ,Towel Rail / Ring / Rack / Hooks For Bathroom (Q3) , Pianotype Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is 11037(Q3) Quantity: 13469
Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) Quantity: 315
Non - Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches Asper Is 3854 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domesticelectrical Sockets - Is 1293 (Q3) , Fixed Capacitors (Fixedcapacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is1709:1984 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Fanregulator As Per Is 11037 (Q3) , Electrical Plugs (V2) Isimarked To Is 1293 (Q2) , Piano Type Non Modular Electricalswitch Socket Combination As Per Is 3854 And Is 1293 (Q3) Quantity: 2245
Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) Quantity: 60000
Ceiling Rose - Is 371 , Fabricated Pvc - U Fittings Forportable Water Supplies As Per Is 10124 , Fixed Capacitors(Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is1709:1984 , Wire Mess Ss As Per Sample , Batten Holder ,Bell Push Piano Type , Call Bell Ding Dong , Casing Capping25Mm , Combination Switch 16 Amp With Box , Combinationswitch 6 Amp With Box , Gang Box 15 Amp , Gang Box 5 Amp, Led Tubelight 24W , Pvc Copper Cable Single Core 0 Point 75Sqmm Frlsh Wire , Bracket Fitting For Wash Hand Basin Heavyduty , Chlopyriphos Chemical 20Percent Ec In 5 Ltr Pack ,Door Seal Having Nylon Brush 3 Ft Long , Gi Pipe 15Mm ,Grating 100 Mm Dia W Or Without Hole Cp , Lattoo For 25Mmdrapery Rod Ss , Lid For Water Tank 500 Or 1000 Ltr , Malathin50Percent Ec Anti Termite Poison , Waste Coupling Fitting Forsink Quantity: 3870
Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) Quantity: 1000
Fixed Capacitors (Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Acelectric Fan) As Per Is 1709:1984 (Q3) ( Pac Only ) Quantity: 150
Led Batten (Q2) , Mcb - Miniature Circuit - Breakers For A.C.Operation As Per Is / Iec 60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , Led Gardenlight (V2) (Q2) , Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up To Andincluding 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , Piano Typenon Modular Electrical Switch Socket Combination As Per Is3854 And Is 1293 (Q3) , Elecric Bells And Accessories As Peris 2268 (Q3) , Modular Piano Type Domestic Electricalswitches As Per Is 3854 (Q3) , Fixed Capacitors (Fixedcapacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is1709:1984 (Q3) , Propeller Type Ac Ventilating Fans -Exhaust Fans (V2) As Per Is 2312 (Q2) , Copper Alloy Fancytaps For Bathroom As Per Is 8931 (Latest) (Q3) ,Hydraulically Regulated Door Closers (Q3) , Ledbulkhead Light (Q3) , Tower Bolts (Ferrous Metals) As Per Is204 (Q3) , Curtain Pipe, Sider And Mounting Bracket (Q4) ,Bathroom Water Shower (Q3) , Ceiling Rose - Is 371 (Q3) ,Toilet Seat - Indian Style Squatting Pan (Q3) , Door Handlesas Per Is 208 (Q4) , Towel Rail / Ring For Bathroom (Q3) ,Piano Type Modular Domestic Fan Regulator As Per Is 11037(Q3) , Molded Case Circuit Breakers (Mccb) As Per Is / Iec60947 (Q3) , Switch Fuse Unit (Q3) , Light Emitting Diodedriver (Q4) , Connection Pipe With Nuts (V2) (Q3) , Wastepipe (Q3) , Flushing Cistern (Q3) , Toilet Seat Covers (V2)(Q4) , Cast Copper Alloy Screw Down Bib Taps And Stopvalves For Water Services As Per Is 781 (Q3) , Europeanpattern Toilet Seat Vitreous China (Q3) , Wood Screws (Q3) ,Wire Nails (Q4) Quantity: 2421
Ceiling Rose - Is 371 , Fabricated Pvc - U Fittings Forportable Water Supplies As Per Is 10124 , Fixed Capacitors(Fixed Capacitor For Single Phase Ac Electric Fan) As Per Is1709:1984 , Wire Mess Ss As Per Sample , Batten Holder ,Bell Push Piano Type , Call Bell Ding Dong , Casing Capping25Mm , Combination Switch 16 Amp With Box , Combinationswitch 6 Amp With Box , Gang Box 15 Amp , Gang Box 5 Amp, Led Tubelight 24W , Pvc Copper Cable Single Core 0 Point 75Sqmm Frlsh Wire , Bracket Fitting For Wash Hand Basin Heavyduty , Chlopyriphos Chemical 20Percent Ec In 5 Ltr Pack ,Door Seal Having Nylon Brush 3 Ft Long , Gi Pipe 15Mm ,Grating 100 Mm Dia W Or Without Hole Cp , Lattoo For 25Mmdrapery Rod Ss , Lid For Water Tank 500 Or 1000 Ltr , Malathin50Percent Ec Anti Termite Poison , Waste Coupling Fitting Forsink Quantity: 3870