38 Live Notices for 硫酸钠招标
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Object: Electronic Auction - Eventual Future Acquisition Of Laboratory Reagents
Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Vincristine Injection 1mg/ml vial\nVincristine Sulphate for Injection BP/USP\nVincristine Sulfate USP 1mg\nEach vial to contain Vincristine Sulphate\nBP/Vincristine Sulfate USP equivalent to 1mg of\nVincristine and 10 parts by weight of Lactose\nBP/USP as sterile dry powderfor reconstitution\nfor intravenous use\nOR\nVincristine injection BP 1mg/ml Each vial to\ncontain Vincristine Sulphate BP equivalent to\n1mg/ml of Vincristine in 0.9% w/v of Sodium\nChloride intravenous infusion BP as ready to use\ninjection for intravenous use.\nNote:\n1.This injection should be stable for a minimum\nof 24 months when stored within a temperature\nrange of 2'C - 8'C, do not freeze\n2.Each dry powder form vial should be provided\nwith a suitable diluent.\n3.Each vial should be labelled accordingly.\nPacking : One vial in a Pack etc .
Object: Electronic Auction - Price Registration, For A Period Of Up To 12 Months, For Any Acquisition Of Items From Merck Millipore And Sigma Brands To Meet The Needs Of Bio Manguinhos.
1 Sodium Iodide,2 Nitrate Reagent #1,3 Carbonate-Bicarbonate Buffered Capsules,4 Seven Anion Standards,5 Icp Cali Standards,6 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Reagent Grade, Available Chlorine 10-15 %,7 Barium Acetate,8 O-Phosphoric Acid,9 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Hexahydrate,10 Potassium (1000Ppm),11 Mercury (1000Ppm),12 Sodium Hydroxide,13 Cat# 5401780190 Phosphate,14 Cod Test Kit, Range 0 - 1500 Ppm,25 Test,15 Nitric Acid,16 Hydrogen Peroxide,17 Sodium Chloride,18 Sulfuric Acid 98%,19 Hydrochloric Acid,20 Nitric Acid Ar,21 Oxalic Acid,22 Absolute Ethanol
Supply And Delivery Of Water And Wastewater Treatment Chemicals 2025-2028
Vorone'S Vines
Medical Medicines And Subjects
Invitation To Bid For The Anti-Rabies Vaccination Program & Animal Health Program, Aringay, La Union
Procurement Of Agricultural Supplies For The 1St Semester Of 2025
Laboratory Chemicals
Provision Of Various Reagents For Research And Experiments.
Each Ml Contains Sodium Chondroitin Sulphate 40 Mg With Sodium Hyaluronate 30 Mg Packing In Pfs
Agar Pt Pure , Agar Agar Type I , Sodium Alginate ,Antimicrobial Supplement , Cephotaxime Sodium Salt ,Calcium Nitrate , D-Glucose Anhydrous , Hygromycin-B , L-Cystein , Metatopolin , Phytawrap , Sucrose , Syringe Drivenfilters , Phyta Jar , Streptomycin Sulphate , Supplement Forms Media , Dichloromethane , Diethylether , Toluene ,Cyclohexane , P-Anisaldehyde , Acetone , Qualitative Filterpaper , Formaldehyde , Acetone Pure , N Hexane Pure 99Percent , N Pentane Extra Pure 99 Percent , Tlc Aluminiumsheets Silica Gel 60F 254 , Storage Vial 10 Ml , Funnelplastic , Ethanol , Toluene Ar Grade , Octanoic Acid Orcaprylic Acid , Ethanolamine , Agar Agar Type I , Maltextract Powder , Methanol , Toluene Lr Grade Approx. 98 To99 Percentage Purity , Ethyl Acetate, Hi-Ar , Weasons Saltmixture , Yeast Tablet , Methyl Para Hydroxy Benzoate ,Sorbic Acid , Cellulose , Ascorbic Acid , Choline Chloride ,Potassium Hydroxide Pellets , Agar Agar Type 1 , Sodiumhypochlorite Ar Acs 4 Percentage Wight By Volume Solution, Potato Dextrose Agar, Granulated , Nutrient Agar , Nutrientbroth , Potato Dextrose Broth, Granulated , Sabouraudchloramphenicol Agar , Gibberellic Acid , Formaldehydesolution 37 To 41 Percent, Hi Lr , Potassium Permanganatehi Ar , Chloramphenicol,For Molecular Biology , Gram Stains- Kit , Beaker , Conical Flask , Glass Spreader , Inoculationloop , Forceps , Cork Borer , Spatula , Jerri Can , Micro Slides, Microscopic Cover Slips , Measuring Cylinder Transparent ,Immersion Oil , Apparatus , Insect Breeding Dishes , Dnaextraction Kit , Dna Purification Kit Quantity: 994
Chondroitin Sulphate With 2% Sodium Hyaluronate 2% Injection For Intraocular Use In Prefilled Syringe 1Ml Sterile Soluti.
Ampicillin Sodium,Carbenicillin Disodium,Chloramphenicol,Kanamycine Sulphate Monohydrate,Hygromycin Quantity: 34
1200000961 Mercuric Chloride Ar , 1200000963 Orthophosphoric Acid , 1200000575 Sodium Diphenyl Aminesulphonate , 1200000967 Stanous Chloride ,1200000968 Sulphuric Acid Lab Grade , 1200000970Hydro Chloric Acid , 1200003927 Potassiumdichromate Nist Traceable , 1200000694 Potassium Dichromate , 1200013451 Sodium Hydroxide ,1200015342 Zinc Acetate Ar Grade , 1200015349 Edta ,1200015345 Xylenol Orange Indicator , 1200015350Potassium Permanganate , 1200003926 Ethylalcohol , 1200015348 Fusion Mixture , 1200000894Chlorotex Reagent Excellar , 1200000730 Tingranules Ar , 1200000821 Echrome Black T Ebtindicator , 1200015614 Sodium Thiosulphatepentahydrate Ar , 1200015615 Calcium Chloridedihydrate Ar , 1200015616 Ammonium Chloride Ar ,1200015617 Potassium Iodide Ar , 1200015612 Buffersolution Ph 4 Nist Traceable , 1200015613 Buffersolution Ph 7 Nist Traceable , 1200001978 Ferricchloride Lr , 1200000598 Potassium Nitrate ,1200000593 Potassium Chloride , 1200000700 Sodiumazide , 1200000721 Methyl Orange Indicator ,1200000692 Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate 99Percent Pure Quantity: 110340
Diethyl Ether Solvent Bott Of 500 Ml , Isoflurane Bottle Of100 Ml , Thiopentone Inj Of 0 Point 5 G Without Water For Inj ,Sevoflurane Bottle Of 250 Ml Closed Fill System Withintegrated Non Removable Adapter , Ing Epinephrine 1 By 10000 , Lignocaine Hci 2 Percent Without Adrenaline 30 Ml Inj, Paracetamol With Cysteine Hcl Monohydrate Infusion 1000Mg Per 100 Ml , Atropine Sulphate 0 Point 6 Mg 1 Ml Inj ,Pot Momopersulphate 1 Percent Potassiumperoxymonosulfate Is Same Item , Isoproponol 60 Percentand Benzalkonium Chloride Skin Disinfectant 60 Gm Per 0Point 025 Gm And 100 Gm , 1 6 Dihydroxy 2 To 5Dioxahexane Gluteraldeyde Benzylalkonium Chl Alkyl Ureaderivative 11 Point 2 Gm Per 5 Point 0 5 Gm Per 3 Gm In 100Gm , Lignocaine 100Mg Plus Ethanol 20 Mg Per Ml Spray ,Diclofenac Sodium Sr 100 Mg Tab , Pyroxicam 20 Mg Tab ,Dexamethasone 0 Point 5 Mg Tab , Methylprednisolone 16Mg Tab , Promethazine Hcl 2 Point 5 Percent 25 Mgm Perml 2 Ml Inj , Phenobarbitone Sod 200Mg 1 Ml Inj , Injfosphenytoin 75 Mg Per Ml 02 Ml Ampoule Quantity: 161494
1. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate I P Grade , 2. Sodiumlauryl Sulphate I P Grade , 3. Sodium Laurylsulphate I P Grade , 4. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate I Pgrade , 5. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate I P Grade Quantity: 250
Permethrin 5 Per Tube Of 30 Gm , Salicylic Acid 3 To 5 Perand Coal Tar 1 To 3 Per Soln Bott , Sisomicin Sulphate Skincream 0.10 Percentage , Tube Of 7.5 Gms , Urea Cream,Urea 10 To 12 Per Lactic Acid 5 To 10 Perin Pack Of 50Gm ,Ketoconazole Cream 2 Per 30G Tube , Clarithromycin 1Percentage Gel 15 Gm Tube , Lignocaine 2.5 Percentage,Prilocaine 2.5 Percentage Tube Of 30Gm , Sodium Perboratemonohydrate 50 Percentage, Bottle , Chlorhexidinegluconate Solution Equivalent To 4 Per With Isopropanol 10Per, Ethoxylated Alkylphenol Less Than 10 Per Fatty Aciddiethanolamide Less Than 10 Per, Acetic Acid Glacial, Bott Of500Ml , Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2 Percentage In 70Percentage Isopropyl Alcohol, 500 Ml Bott , Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate 40 Mg, Inj , Levo Salbutamol1.25Mg, Ipratropium 500Mcg Respule, In 2.5Ml Respule ,Theophylline Sr 400 Mg Tab , Sulphasalazine 1000Mgdelayed Released , Tab Methylprednisolone 4 Mg Quantity: 3130